Pre Pregnancy Check

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Pre-pregnancy Check Up

Are you hoping to get pregnant soon? Having a pre-pregnancy check-up before you start trying to conceive is the best way of ensuring a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Gynae Clinic provides early pregnancy checks to help you make sure that your body is ready for this new exciting chapter in your life.

Medical conditions and lifestyle factors can affect both pregnancy and your ability to conceive. Your experienced London private gynaecologist will help address any health issues you have, including ones you may not be aware of, to reduce the risk of avoidable complications for you and your baby during pregnancy and child birth.

When should I have a pre-pregnancy check?

If you experience symptoms, pre-pregnancy, that you are worried about you can have a consultation at any time to allay any fears you may have and recommend a general health check prior to a year before you want to get pregnant.

What does a pre-pregnancy test involve?

Health and lifestyle check

Pre-pregnancy counselling can be undertaken at any time up to one year before you want to get pregnant. At your pregnancy counselling appointment the doctor will want to discuss:

  • Gynaecological history - menstrual cycle, pap smears, STDs, and contraceptive method.
  • Obstetric history (if you've been pregnant before).
  • Medical history - you will be advised on how to manage conditions that could complicate your pregnancy with specialist referral if necessary.
  • Vaccination history - bring your immunisation record along with you if you have one.
  • Medications and allergies - make a list of every medication you take with details of dosage.

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Physical and gynaecological exam

Your private gynaecologist will need to carry out any of the following examinations:

  • A physical exam to measure your height, weight, and blood pressure.
  • A pap smear to screen for cervical cancer, and other pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, as well as gonorrhoea and chlamydia (this will be done if it's been more than a year since your last pap smear).
  • Examination of the abdomen, vagina, and breasts to check for lumps or any irregularities that may cause problems during pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Vaginal swab to check for infections, including yeast infections and trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection the symptoms of which include redness, discharge, itching, and burning.
  • A pelvic ultrasound scan to make sure your genital organs - your ovaries, uterus, and cervix - is healthy.

Blood tests

At Gynae Clinic a gynaecologist will test your blood for:

  • Anaemia (iron deficiency).
  • HIV.
  • Syphilis.
  • An underactive thyroid.
  • Your immunity to rubella or chickenpox.
  • Hepatitis B - if you are at risk.
  • Herpes - if your partner has herpes and you haven't had any symptoms.

Anaemia can be treated with iron supplements, while vaccinations can be given for hepatitis B, rubella and chickenpox. Your gynaecologist will phone you with the results of your blood test, and book you in for a follow-up appointment if required, within two weeks.

Pre-pregnancy check cost

The total cost for the pre-pregnancy check will be £1,350.00 which includes consultation with our gynaecologist, ultrasound, smear test and blood tests for the following:

  • Anaemia
  • HIV
  • Syphilis
  • Thyroid
  • Rubella / Chickenpox immunity
  • Hepatitis B
  • Herpes

If our gynaecologist will request for additional investigations (blood tests or scans), we will advise you the costs beforehand.

If you're interested in having a pre-pregnancy check at the Gynae Clinic, please get in touch with us today.

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Gynae Clinic is a website designed to inform our patients about gynaecological services delivered at Medical Express Clinic at 117a Harley Street. In the event that patients are seen by a clinician, this will be arranged at Medical Express Clinic which is registered in the United Kingdom with the Care Quality Commission to provide healthcare services.